Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Warhammer : destro Alt Night [Feb 18]

Bye bye T2, it was nice to have known you.

and a grand send off it was ! : )
Wish order didn't withdraw from the scenario though ,
it started 12 v 12 and got imbalanced and was shut down .

with Strey back from the wrong coast ; ) , and Oska showing up
coming back also our group was 5 strong . I posted
the Alt Night Event on the Calendar and opened it to our alliance.
Sadly , not even a single person interested .
So , it was off to the BadLands and our destination
was "Trug's Hut" .

Trug's hut

the Greenskins have learned the location of
the mutinous Moonfang Gobbos who have migrated to the
entrance to the Gunbad Tunnels, drawn by their Night Goblin kin .
And the Bloody Sun Boyz want them killed as a lesson to the others.

we started off by doing the Bloody Sun Boyz Bidding .
Moonfang gobbos were slaughtered by the hundreds and
their leader "Gobhead Squigbringa" was put to knife
after a big fight . they don't call him squigbringa for nutin !
the squigbringa was generous enough to leave us one gold ,
one purple and few green bag . what's not to like about him ? : )

afterword we ran to do the two other PQs in the chapter .
fireforge Camp and Mutant exile . The latter had some interesting
back story. Mutant Worshippers of father Nurgle made the tunnels
that dot the hillside their home, while the weak and small mutants
are forced to make camp outside.

Altar of Nurgle

Gobbo's have been disappearing regularly from "Trug's camp"
and the trail leads straight to the mutants . we fought our way
inside the tunnels to reach an Altar of Nurgle guarded by a gigantic
plague beast .

Pestilent PlagueBeast

our Trusty black Orc Tanked the abomination like a champ , and our group
was able to get rid of the threat . All in all a fun PQ , and 3 blue bags
are not too shabby ! : )

we all ranked up tonight , and have a few pieces of gear to look
forward to when we reach 23 . always a pleasure guys !

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