Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Warhammer : Seven Favorites

Syp has suggested that we all write our seven favorite things about Warhammer Online.
so in the spirit of positive thinking here goes my seven :

Favorite Zone:
Ellyrion . I've only been through T3 so far , but I absolutely love the visual style of the zone .
I've grown to enjoy High Pass as well the lore and atmosphere of the zone are tremendous .

Favorite Race:
Chaos . with Dark elves a very close second .

Favorite Career:
oh my tough one . do i really have to choose ? that being said
my main the chaos Chosen wins out by the slightest of margins .

Favorite WAR Feature:
Careers . Mythic has done an excellent job imo fleshing out the career mechanics and
they are all very enjoyable to play . RvR and Public Quests are huge + in my book also !

Favorite Skill:
Raze (morale 2) on my Chosen . the HoT on my Zealot , throwing a flask 100 feet to my target never gets old . Gust of Wind on the Sword Master. running into a group of ennemies and sending flying away in all direction makes me chuckle every time ! PUuuuunnnnt wooo !

Favorite Scenario:
Stone Troll Crossing with a guild group is fantastic . with coordination and teamwork we were able to win against teams that out-match us rank wise . for pure goold old head bashing pvp , Mourkain and Nordenwatch take the pie though !

Favorite Live Event:
I enjoyed the Night of murder Live event . I enjoyed the lore behind it , and the event itself made for some interesting PVP and it didn't feel too grindy . Heavy metal comes second just for the awsomeness that is the Reikland factory scenario ! please put it back in Game !

so what are your favorite seven ?

Warhammer : Order Alt Night [ Feb 23]

Last night , our order group was off to the badlands
to help the dwarfs find the brightstone they desperatly
seek .

Assembled for the night :

- Dracfyre ( Bright Wizard)
- Elsabeth ( Bright Wizard)
- FynFlam (Bright Wizard)
- Korinn (Sword Master)
- Racke (Iron Breaker)
- Tzudevilme (Rune Priest)
- Yrronisa (Arch Mage)

right as we landed in the Badlands , the Blue-Faced Orcs of the
Badlands were launching an attack on Stoutgut's warcamp .
Our small group set about fighting the savage orcs and helping
the unconscious oathbearers on the battlefield when the
Blue Face Boarboyz rode down on us from the top of the hill
10 champions strong . it was a small
miracle we survived the charge , kudos to our strong healers
and bright wizards who burned the savage orc riders to a crisp .

after a quick respite we set north towards Copperstone's River crossing .
south of the camp Orc Breakas are inciting the River Trolls into a frenzy
and plan to unleash them on the Oathbreaker camp. Gathering our
small crew ,we head out to wipe out the Trolls and clear the island
of the troublesome orcs.

Troll Island

when we were back at the camp , a dwarf scout showed up with good news .
he had followed some gobbos into a tunnel , and came back with a glittering
blue crystal . BRIGHSTONE ! The legend was True , Fireforge's tunnel exists !

However the entrance was guarded by The Moonfangs goblins who have migrated
to the entrance to the Gunbad Tunnels, drawn by their Night Goblin kin .
To the Dwarfs and their Oathbearers, however, these Goblins stand between
them and Brightstone.

Fighting our way though the hordes of MoonFang goblins , we finally
could draw their leader Gobhead Squigbringa out . the tough bastard
forced us to retreat when we attacked him , but we were able to send
him to his doom on the second try .
The entrance of the Gunbad tunnels lay wide open .

Into Gunbad

we ventured inside , and headed down the right fork . proceeding
slowly , we made headway into the tunnels encountering all manners
of crazed night goblins , bats and giant spiders .
it was getting too late though , our party was weary and
we needed supplies for a long expedition into these never
ending tunnels . we'll have to come back another time .

looking forward to next week !

Warhammer : destro Alt Night [Feb 18]

Bye bye T2, it was nice to have known you.

and a grand send off it was ! : )
Wish order didn't withdraw from the scenario though ,
it started 12 v 12 and got imbalanced and was shut down .

with Strey back from the wrong coast ; ) , and Oska showing up
coming back also our group was 5 strong . I posted
the Alt Night Event on the Calendar and opened it to our alliance.
Sadly , not even a single person interested .
So , it was off to the BadLands and our destination
was "Trug's Hut" .

Trug's hut

the Greenskins have learned the location of
the mutinous Moonfang Gobbos who have migrated to the
entrance to the Gunbad Tunnels, drawn by their Night Goblin kin .
And the Bloody Sun Boyz want them killed as a lesson to the others.

we started off by doing the Bloody Sun Boyz Bidding .
Moonfang gobbos were slaughtered by the hundreds and
their leader "Gobhead Squigbringa" was put to knife
after a big fight . they don't call him squigbringa for nutin !
the squigbringa was generous enough to leave us one gold ,
one purple and few green bag . what's not to like about him ? : )

afterword we ran to do the two other PQs in the chapter .
fireforge Camp and Mutant exile . The latter had some interesting
back story. Mutant Worshippers of father Nurgle made the tunnels
that dot the hillside their home, while the weak and small mutants
are forced to make camp outside.

Altar of Nurgle

Gobbo's have been disappearing regularly from "Trug's camp"
and the trail leads straight to the mutants . we fought our way
inside the tunnels to reach an Altar of Nurgle guarded by a gigantic
plague beast .

Pestilent PlagueBeast

our Trusty black Orc Tanked the abomination like a champ , and our group
was able to get rid of the threat . All in all a fun PQ , and 3 blue bags
are not too shabby ! : )

we all ranked up tonight , and have a few pieces of gear to look
forward to when we reach 23 . always a pleasure guys !

Warhammer : Order Alt Night [Feb 16]

it is the start of a new week , time for our order group
to brave the bitter cold of high pass once again .
this week our party was joined by few new
(Amerika the Knight , Aidos the Archmage,
Charkampa the White lion) and returning heroes
(Racke the dwarf ironbreaker ) . It was a lot of fun grouping
with you guys , hope you enjoyed it as well !

Assembled for the night :

- Aidos (Archmage)
- Amerika (KotBS)
- Charkampa ( White Lion)
- Dracfyre ( Bright Wizard)
- Elsabeth ( Bright Wizard)
- Korinn (Sword Master)
- Racke (Iron Breaker)
- Tzudevilme (Rune Priest)

with a party 8 strong ,off we went to high pass and tackled
the ch 10 public quests there .

Meeting at Nuhr's Crest

First order of business was to to revisit the "Tomb of Traitor"
and pay him back in kind for last week.
unfortunately once we were at stage III the public quest bugged out
and "Hertzig the Traitor" wouldn't spawn .

a bit peeved , we headed out to the Chaos Ruins to seek the
sorecerer "Velethor" and his minions . Amazing what a difference this was!
we breezed through the PQ, Velethor's demons were
annihilated , and "Velethor" himself landed and was taking a dirt nap
in record time !

Velethor the Sorcerer

we ran the PQ for a second time to gain more influence
and this time we were rewarded with 2 gold bags ! : )

Afterwards , we passed through the "Foetid plains" PQ and ran it quickly,
before heading back to the crypts for one last try on the Traitor .
and what do you know , the PQ worked this time around !

Hertzig The Traitor

Racke tanked "Hertzig" like a champ , and even though he enraged
at the end , we were able to coast to victory !

a lot of fun tonight guys , this is the biggest attendance we had in a
while . 2 gold bags , 2 blue bags, multitute
of green bag and a horde of drops were just icing on the cake !
(oh if only we had Warrior Priests and Witch Hunters in group)

And to top things off , few of us ranked up!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Warhammer : Order Alt Night [Feb 2nd]

It is the start of a new week , and you know it's time
for our city slackers to continue on their adventures .
Assembled at the gates of Altdorf :

-Tzudevil ( RunePriest - Rank 18)
-Dracfyre ( Bright Wizard - Rank 18)
-Fynflam ( Bright Wizard - Rank 17)
-Elsabeth ( Bright Wizard - Rank 18 )
-Korinn ( Sword Master - Rank 19)
-GrimFate( Sword Master - Rank 16)

As we made the trek to Wolfenburg insouthern Ostland ,
we queued for some scnearios.we had 3 scenarios in the span
of 30 minutes and were lot of fun now that we are all close to the
top of the tier . A big victory in Phoenix Gate , and two close fights
in Mourkain Temple . Wish we had the same luxury on Monolith .
I haven't seen a scenario on any of my destro characters
(other than on weekends).

Back at Wolfenburg , we set out in pursuit of the perpetrators
of the plague that ravaged Ostland's capital . we soon found
ourselves making the arduous trek up a treacherous mountain
pass into the forbidding cold lands of High Pass .

Far north of any land that could be called civilized , High Pass
is the gate between the northernmost reaches of the realm of man
and the wilds of Chaos . A Hostile land slowly warping under the influence
of the snows and winds and the subtle taint of the Dark Gods .

Seeking refuge from the bitter cold , we head into Nuhr's crest .
an Expedition of Griffon soldiers has set camp and were looking for
Dr Zumwald , the plague architect who fled into these parts .

After a small respite , we set north of the campin pursuit of some
shadowy figures and happened upon "The Foetid Plains".
It was said to be the site of an ancient battlefield and that so much
blood spilled on these tainted grounds, a terrible beast was born in
the belly of the mountain. The many arms of this beast reach
upward in search of more ichor upon which to feed and we had to
pass through these tentacle infested grounds . Cutting down many
tentacles we slowly made our way through this putrid place until
we were startled by a murderous looking daemon spawning right
through the ground under our feet .

"The Foetid Plains Daemon"

we had to fight our way through the many horrid daemonvines
surrounding it before attacking it and slaying the wicked deamon itself !

packing our things quickly , we couldn't wait to get out of these
tainted parts . We followed a mountain road south into the top
of small hill to investigate some ruins .
The ruins, however, were far from abandoned.

"Chaos Ruins"

Chaos Cultists and minor daemons milled around ,
for what ungodly purpose we didn't know .
However , it was too close to the Griffon camp .
this can not be good and we had to dosomething about it .
After defeating some of the congregated cultists , we were
surprised by Sorcerers joining together upon the Chaos Star
to enact some sort of a dark ritual of power .

The chaos Magii prepare for a Dark Ritual !

Caught a bit unprepared , our party went down swinging but not
before dragging a few of those chaos magii with us . Quickly
regrouping, we came back to finish what we started and out of
nowhere , "Velethor the Shifter" comes flying over our heads
on his daemonic disc summoning mighty flamers .

That Magus will never face a fair fight while his minions exist!
Things got hairy at this point ,as Velethor kept summoning his
minions as fast we defeated them , and we couldn't bring him
to the ground as the pq timer slowly ticked by and eventually
expired . On the plus side , the encounter was a lot of fun and
the experience points off all these champion npcs were great .
I even got a tome Unlock for killing 100 flamers !

Great night Overall , most of us ranked up and plan to come
back next week to continue the adventure . So far i like this
new zone , and look forward to what future chapters hold .

Korinn's new Elven Steed

Also , Korinn hit the rank 20 milestone and now sporting a
spanking new white convertible ..err .. i mean horse !