Thursday, January 15, 2009

Warhammer: Destro Alt Night [Jan 14]

The evening started quietly with only Trogue , Tzu and myself coming out to the IC last night . we decided to head out to the Greenskin area and do some pqs and quests around ch8 in Barak Varr. This chapter didn't offer much in term of influence rewards unfortunately ,so we decided to skip it and hit the next one . Problem is , how to get through that underground maze those blasted dwarves dug into the mountain !
Long story short , 10 minutes getting lost only to be back in a
roundabout way at the entrance , we decided to swim to the
other side ! problem solved !

We finally made our way to Mobash's Place ! curiously , a huge dwarf ironclad has crash landed onto the beach and its engines struggled vainly to back the hulking ship into the water. a huge battle raged on as the Greenskins assaulted the trapped dwarfs . I must say that was a great pq . it felt like being in a battle with the the frontlines advancing and retreating as we helped the npcs push into the dwarf fortifications and then pushed back as gyrocopters flew in for bombing runs and dwarf reinforcements poured from the ship .

Where is Trogue ?
we managed to to clear through to stage-3 a few times , but shorthanded it was impossible to finish off the hero plus 2 champions without a full group .

Moving on , running some quests we reached Iron rock point .
another fun PQ and with the help of a friendly squig herder
we actually completed the public quest all the way through .
Trogue even got a gold bag ! Well deserved mate !

Overall It was a relaxed outing , we earned enough influence to cap chapter 9 and the rewards for that were well worth it . I am bringing my chosen to get the Elite reward ring . Again , i apologize for the frequent interruptions . my 4 year old was having a tough time going back to sleep , and I had to be quiet a bit on vent as my pc room is nextdoor.

Warork and Mindbendir you were missed . Hope you guys can
make it next week . we even saved some drops for you guys !


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